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Global JETP Principles Press Conference Launch: A Global South aspiration for principled finance

Ahead of the G7 summit, civil society voices are urging developed nations to back out of fossil fuel investments and fulfill their obligations for a fair and sustainable future.

The Global Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) Principles, developed by civil society organisations in JETP recipient countries, emphasise the crucial role of civil society in crafting solutions for a just energy transition shaped by local contexts and community consultations. Writers of the Global JETP Principles affirmed the Global South’s vision for fair financing that will realise climate justice.

Speakers representing South Africa, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Senegal will share local perspectives of JETPs and why the principles are important in building solidarity, strengthening advocacy, and holding finance accountable to climate justice. Watch the livestream in English, French, Bahasa, and Vietnamese to hear about civil society’s crucial role in shaping climate solutions and their call for G7 nations to support a just transition through investment.

Watch the full recording here:

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